The IATT House

Transitional Supportive Housing

What Is TSH (Transitional Supportive Housing) ?

TSH (Transitional Supportive Housing) is housing that is offered as part of a program.  Services, such as life skills, employment, case management, mentoring and much more, are offered in addition to the housing, within a home setting, to better assist individuals with self-sufficiency.  The length of stay is usually determined by the  the individual program guidelines.  Historically, individuals exit this type of housing program within a 6-month – 3 year period.  TSH is for individuals that require more help and assistance to become stable and self-sufficient.  

Our TSH program is for a 1-3 year period.  In that time, we work to move residents from the TSH setting to their own housing.  Individuals that require more time are reassessed at pre-determined intervals to determine what more the program can do for them.  Those that need longer time are given it with the recommendation of the Case Manager and Executive Director.  All rules and guidelines must be followed and adhered to.

Our program does charge a monthly program fee.  That fee covers all program costs.  We do accept FYI, FUP and Chafee as well as IL Services dollars to cover program expenses.  However, it should be noted that our housing, programs and services are not Federal or State funded at this time.  We are a privately funded organization.


How Do I Qualify For Your TSH Program?

To qualify for our housing program, you must be:

  • 18-years-old, but not more than 24-years-old
  • U.S. Resident or have your Green Card or be working on obtaing your citizenship
  • Be homeless, or transitioning into homelessness, without resources of any kind
  • Be able to pass a full background check

We do not accept individuals into our program with felony backgrounds, charges/crimes/acts against an animal or humanity, hate crimes offenses, drug/firearm related charges/offenses/crimes, domestic violence charges/offenses/crimes, intimidation, sexually deviant behavior/deviant behavior charges/offenses/crimes, charges/crimes against children, cyber crimes charges/offenses, gang-related, cyberbullying, cyberstalking, Identity Theft, B & E’s, terrioristic charges/offenses/crimes, severe mental illness, psychosis nor those with current warrants attachedWe take each applicant on a case-by-case basis, but are prohibited from accepting those listed above into our program for the safety and welfare of staff, children and other program participants.  We are not a DOJ program.

To qualify for services, you must be:

  • 16-years-old
  • U.S. Resident or have your Green Card or be working on obtaing your citizenship
  • Be at-risk of homelessness, or referred to our program

Does Your TSH Program Have Rules That I Have To Follow?

Every TSH program has rules and guidelines that must be followed, and we are no different.  You must agree to follow the stated rules as set forth by the program.  Failure to follow the rules will result in your immediate removal from the home and the program, without exception.  The rules were established for the safety and welfare of staff and all program participants.  We have a zero tolerance policy in place.  Not everyone who says they are ready for a structured program of this nature actually is.

Is There A Program Fee Associated With This Housing?

Yes.  Program participants are expected, and required, to pay a monthly program fee.  The goal of this housing is to prepare young people for independent living.  Program participants are expected to participate and pay their expenses on time every month.  Our program is a mirror image of real life.  Through program supports, resources and guidance, participants not only meet their monthly expense obligation, but exceed it; which is the goal.  On-time payment history of program fees is accepted by landlords and apartment managers to show a regular payment history when participants apply for housing.  Having an on-time payment history to show a landlord is key in obtaining housing and building credit.  Landlords can be hesitatnt to rent to young people who they feel may not be able to afford the monthly rent payment.  Each individual that enters the program is responsible for their own success.  We provide the solid foundation for you to achieve that success beyond program stay.  Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the program participant to take advantage of the opportunity that is being given to them.

Can I be referred to this progam by an agency?

Yes.  We accept referrals from all of the following.  Please keep in mind that referred individuals must have reached the age of 16, for services, and 18 for housing.  Additionally, the referral for housing must be for an individual who is between the age of 18-24 and must be homeless, or transitioning into homelessness.  We accept referrals from all of the following in Indiana, with the exception of Covenant House, which operates in North and Central America :

  • Aurora Inc.
  • CoC
  • UCS (United Caring Services)
  • Evansville Rescue Mission (ERM)
  • IHCDA 
  • Ivy Tech Community College
  • George Jr. Republic (GJR)
  • EVSC 
  • YWCA
  • House of Bread & Peace (HBP)
  • Covenant House
  • Young & Established (Y & E)
  • University of Southern Indiana (USI)
  • University of Evansville (U of E)
  • United Methodist Youth Home (UMYH)

Please note that we are not a mental health care facility or hospital and we do not accept referrals for individuals that require a round-the-clock nurse, doctor or licensed medical professional to care for them.



Why do you accept referrals only from those listed above?

We accept referrals from all of the above as they deal directly with our target demographic and come into contact with those needing housing, resources, services and assistance on a daily basis.