Donate To House Homeless Youth & Young Adults

 Foster Care In The U.S. Inc., is a privately funded organization.  Your donations help us house Tri-State homeless youth and young adults.  Every dollar donated provides sustainability for our organization.  We appreciate your support.  Looking to make a substantial donation or bequest?  Request a copy of our most recent, or prior year, financials by emailing our accountant Brian Schulte at  

Foster Care In The U.S. Inc., receives no federal or state funding to run its operations.  We rely on donors, like you, as well as private and local grant opportunities to keep our doors open and provide services and housing to homeless youth.  Help fund successful outcomes by donating to the only organization in Evansville, IN that provides dedicated housing and services to the communities most vulnerable residents; homeless youth.

Make A Donation Below

General Donation

Make a general donation to our organization below or specify where you want your donation to be utilized.


Bed Sponsorships

Bed Sponsorships help offset the costs of our day-to-day operations.  Corporations can choose the annual option to show their continued support of the work that we do.