Donate To House Homeless Youth & Young Adults

 Foster Care In The U.S. Inc., is a privately funded organization.  Your donations help us house Tri-State homeless youth and young adults.  Every dollar donated provides sustainability for our organization.  We appreciate your support.  Looking to make a substantial donation or bequest?  Request a copy of our most recent, or prior year, financials by emailing our accountant Brian Schulte at  

Sponsorship & Partnership Opportunities

There are a variety of ways in which you can partner with us, or support our programs and services through sponsorship.  Check out the opportunites below to find the right fit for you.

Food Sponsors

Food Sponsors allow us to provide nutritious meals to program participants, as well as to youth and young adults, within our 16-24 demographic, who are experiencing food-insecurity.  We encourage university students to call us with their needs as our program and services were created and designed specific to that age demographic.

Monthly Food Sponsor:  $500.00
Yearly Food Sponsor:     $5,000.00

Room Sponsors

Room sponsors help offset the cost of items for each bed space.  Room sponsorships are once every three (3) years.  Room sponsors have the right to have the room named after them.  We highly encourage universities, sororities and fraternities to sponsor a room!  Why is this the perfect fit for a university?

Room Sponsors can:

  • Name the room after their university, sorority, business or fraternity
  • Decorate the room in university, or business, colors and gear as they see fit
  • Do yearly fundraisers (car wash, bake sale, sleep-out, rummage sale, BBQ sale etc) to raise the money to support their room sponsorship and the individuals that live in the room
  • Room sponsorships are extremely manageable, financially, at $3,500.00 every 3-years, so each incoming class can take over from the previous class.   Room sponsors can raise $875.00 a year to cover the cost of their sponsorship.  That is why this is ideal for a university, sorority, business or fraternity!
  • Great community involvement partnership with a HUD designated Promise Neighborhood, Promise Zone, nonprofit
  • Looks fab on a resume!!!!!!
  • Great way to mentor homeless youth and young adults and provide them with the tools of success
  • Great, safe, way for university students, and emloyees, to interact with the homeless demographic in a safe setting
  • Great way for the university to support future students
  • As this is a 1–3-year program, university room sponsors get to grow with, and get to know, the room occupants.  As they are graduating from college, room occupants are graduating from the program!

Room Sponsor:    $3,500.00 (every 3-years)

Bed Sponsors

Bed sponsorships help cover the operational costs of the organization.
Yearly Bed Sponsor:       $1,000.00

Hygiene Kit Sponsor 1 Kit: $27.18

Make A Donation Below

General Donation

Make a general donation to our organization below or specify where you want your donation to be utilized.


Bed Sponsorships

Bed Sponsorships help offset the costs of food, utilities, mental health care and our day-to-day operations.